Top 5 Reasons to Hire a Private Investigator

According to a national study through the Better Business Bureau, approximately 10% of Americans fall victim to scams or fraud annually. While a lot of good-hearted people tend to wear rose-colored glasses and believe everyone’s just doing their best to be decent, some people are out there ready to prey on those optimistic thoughts. By all means, continue being positive and living your best life as long as it doesn’t harm others. But be aware of the following reasons you may need to consider hiring a professional private investigator.


Intuition is a powerful thing. Chances are if you have a strong feeling your spouse or partner is cheating on you, there’s a reason for that suspicion. Of course, asking outright can lead to lies, gaslighting, and emotional abuse. An unfaithful partner may be able to cover their tracks from their partner, but they can’t manipulate their way out of pictures, video surveillance, and other proof a professional private investigator can find.

Child Support or Custodial Issues

Parenting requirements don’t end when the parents split. But only around 44% of custodial parents get the full amount of child support owed to them. A lot of parents are truly confused about custodial issues and would rather take a hike than try to figure things out. That flighty decision can impact the safety and security of your children for many years to come. A PI can track down the other parent and help get you the financial help you need.

Missing Persons

600,000+ people are reported as missing annually, and the majority of those are runaways. Most missing persons cases are adults, but 35% of “reported” cases are under the age of 18. Sadly enough, millions of kids and teens take off and are never reported. Of course, if a child or adult loved one is missing, there’s often no way to know whether they’ve taken off to get some space or happened to get abducted. While most runaways do return, the longer they stay away the less likely they are to return home. A good PI can help track them down and return them safely.

Embezzlement or Fraud

Nearly 50% of businesses assume they’re not large enough to worry about fraud issues. Yet small businesses lose almost $30 million annually due to fraudulent behavior or practices. It really doesn’t take much–a missed number here, an incorrect invoice there. But in many cases, repeated accounting issues go unnoticed until serious losses occur. And by that point, it can be hard, if not impossible, for the business to regain their losses. The right Chicago private investigator can help determine what happened and even track down the guilty party.

Employment Background Checks

Resumes and interviews are great ways to sift out potential employees. But did you know that approximately 85% of applicants lie on their resumes? Background checks can do wonders, but there are so many options… where do you even start? Sure, discovering a lack of experience is one thing, but serious criminal activity, anger issues, and previous workplace violent behavior are horses of a different color. A Chicago private investigator can run the right checks to ensure you discover key concerns before they become actual issues. Give us a call when you’re ready to secure your company’s success.